Beauty Trends That Need To End

Can we all just take a moment to reminisce on some of our worst makeup mistakes over the years. I think my biggest makeup mistake goes to my dreadful years experimenting with orange bronzer. Unfortunately this habit lasted well through high school up until my freshman year of college…needless to say I have plenty of facebook pictures to remind me of my mistakes.

While every year it seems a new makeup trend comes to the forefront, there are some confusing trends that some people just can’t seem to shake.

It certainly is not up to me to decide what makeup trends should be banished from society, but I do have an opinion that comes from my long history of trying out these heinous makeup trends.

Quick Disclaimer: If you do happen to love any of these trends all I ask is that you rock it with confidence!! In no way am I here to judge…I just don’t have the makeup skills and talent to make these trends look good 🙂


Wet” Dewey Skin

For some reason people are confused with the difference between nice glowing skin and a wet oil slick. Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing more beautiful than a spritz of fix plus…just keep it to 1 spray, not 25.

Thin Over-Arched Eyebrows

Now I love a good arched brow…but it shouldn’t be paper thin and come to a 90 degree angle. Those over-plucked, arched brows tend to look really harsh and severe on the face. One bit of advice: put down the tweezers.

Crazy Lipstick Colors (…the unflattering ones)

This is a trend that has a few exceptions, but for the most part, unless you are heading to a Halloween Party, festival or having some fun in a photoshoot, please don’t walk around with that royal blue lipstick on.

And the winner goes to….

Heavy Contouring…I’m Talking About Heavy

When it comes to contouring, isn’t the rule to darken the parts of the face to give it that natural shadow effect as if you were born with those chiseled cheekbones, and than highlight the parts of the face you want to “bring forward” and create natural dimension. Well, that is what I always thought contouring was, but I still see people drawing 2 thick brown lines down the nose and for some reason decide not to blend it into your skin. The stark white concealer certainly does not help the situation…it only makes the harsh contour lines stand out more. For those of you who can’t get off the heavy contour train: “blend blend blend”!!


This list is constantly growing as new beauty trends go in and out of style. Let me know what you guys think and if you have any other beauty disasters to add to this list!


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