Everyone has an ideal self. One that is a more enhanced version of one’s real and authentic self. As i have gotten older, i have noticed how the rise of social media has severly blurred the line between what is real and what is fake. In particular, Instagram allows people to create their ideal image by masking the truth with filters, editing tools and enhancements.
Many of us dont think of the psychological harm that can occur when we post a perfectly facetuned instagram of a slimmer, tanner and more enhanced version of ourselves laying on a beach in a bikini. We just think about the perfect caption and most “natural” filter that will stand out in ones instagram feed hoping it is worthy enough to double tap. The worst part about posting that touched up, enhanced and filtrd image is that you wait by your phone for notifications to pop up without realizing that those notifications are simply praising the person in the instagram who is supposed to represent you. But that person resembles a girl without your scars, your imperfections, or what society may think of as your “flaws”. You are so sucked in to this online image that you have created for yourself that you begin to see it as normal.
I too am guilty of getting sucked into this black hole where we all feel that we are defined by the number of likes on our instagrams and constantly compare our bodies to the instagram models on the trending pages…but this only leads to insecurities and the constant need for others’ approval.
I only imagine a world where standards of beauty are not defined through photoshopped faces, but what needs to change in order for that to be possible? I wish there was a simple answer but sadely…
We are living in a world that is more twisted than ever